Apr 2021
María Jesús Pareja
THE “CAMINO DE SANTIAGO” SECRETS is a collaborative web game where you solve puzzles, and you overcame challenges as a team.
The experience of the last few years working with live and online escape games has shown us the value they add to learning and skills training.a
Given the effectiveness and impact of “serious games” in learning, we have used the “game-based learning” methodology in the design of this game, making it funny, motivating, facilitator and efficient.
A game with a history of intrigues that captures the participants from the first minute, creating an immersive and motivating experience.
A gamified game in which participants train and create experiential learnings (learn by doing) linked to Team Working, both on a personal level (self-knowledge/ contributions) and team level (complementarities and roles) in a challenging environment.
The first Team Building web game (Hall Escape) designed and created with a double goal: playful and training.
A game in which teams must design strategies, make decisions, communicate, coordinate, manage time, prioritize tasks, … and everything in a virtual and interactive context.
A high value experience, in which specialized Consultants accompany the participants, through the game “observation” and subsequent analysis, to establish parallelisms and link the learnings with their day by day.
Accompanying Companies
& Professionals to transform themselves
Have developed themselves with our
programs and training experiences.
And accompany us learning and growing together.